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Community Guidelines

Last Updated: 2024-02-17

Welcome to Fitdrop, your new fashion community! Our app allows you to post outfits to share with friends and other users on the app, tag clothing items with details, and link to where items can be purchased.

To ensure our community remains a positive space for everyone, we ask all users to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Respect and Inclusivity

  • Treat all users with respect. Harassment, bullying, and hate speech will not be tolerated.

  • Celebrate diversity. Our community thrives on the unique styles and perspectives of our members.

2. Content Standards

  • Appropriate Content: Ensure all outfit photos are appropriate for a diverse audience. Avoid posting content that is sexually explicit, violent, or in violation of any laws.

  • Accuracy in Tagging: When tagging clothing items, provide as much accurate information about the name, type, and purchase link as possible. Misleading tags or links to irrelevant and inappropriate websites are not allowed.

3. Privacy and Safety

  • Personal Privacy: Do not share personal information (yours or anyone else's) without explicit consent. If you need support from Fitdrop - we will never ask you for your password, only your username.

  • Respect Others' Privacy: Do not post pictures of others without their permission.

  • Secure Links: Ensure that all external links are safe and lead to reputable websites. Links to phishing sites, malware, or any form of scam are strictly prohibited.

  • Private Accounts: Utilize our private account feature when necessary! All accounts are by default public, but you have the ability to change your account visibility to private in the app privacy settings.

4. Intellectual Property

  • Respect copyright and trademark laws. Only post content that you have the right to share, and give credit where it's due.

5. Reporting and Enforcement

  • If you encounter content that violates our guidelines, please report it through our in-app reporting feature.

  • Violations of these guidelines may result in content removal, account suspension, or permanent ban, depending on the severity.

6. Updates to the Guidelines

  • Our community is always evolving, and so will our guidelines. We'll inform you of any changes, ensuring transparency and understanding.

7. Enjoy Sharing and Discovering

  • Beyond rules, our platform is about inspiration, creativity, and a mutual love of fashion. Share your style, discover new trends, and connect with others.

By creating an account on Fitdrop, you agree to abide by these community guidelines and our Terms of Service.


Our goal is to maintain a welcoming and inspiring space for everyone to share their love of fashion. Thank you for being a part of our community and for helping to create a positive and respectful environment for all users.

If you need support, feel free to email us at, join our discord, or message us on instagram @fitdropapp

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